Friday, June 25, 2010

"Just" Happy & Sad thinking!

Well it is Friday! We are done at the "ranch", VBS program with our church. I did survive the round-up! I enjoyed lovin on those babies this week, this morning when I arrived, one of those sweet things attached himself to my leg and could barely get in the door, but he knew I had brought some donut holes! Those kids just love them. I just had these thoughts on and off all day ; How could someone abuse children? I have never understood this! My 2 sons are both Police Officers and the things that they see in regards to "Abused Children" is beyond my thinking. (Well I guess any ones thinking as far as that goes). I really don't know why I have had these thoughts today, but I just enjoyed so much watching these little ones that my heart aches for the ones that just don't have the Love and Care that they need. My daughter teaches 2nd. grade and those stories of her "children" that many are just so neglected. So for today I am so "Grateful" that God has given me, my sons, and my daughter the "Hearts" to love and take care of our children! and many others. Thank You Lord! again, and again, and again! Hope you all have a Fun and Blessed wk-end with family and friends:).
**Fathers do not exasperate your children; instead ,bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4(NIV).

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with you more! It breaks my heart knowing how many children are abused in some form or another. I love working with kids as well ~ they are just sooo very precious and when you are in the VBS setting to watch them grow in the spiritual walk is simply the most wonderful blessing of all!

    I pray you have a wonderful weekend!
