Sunday, October 31, 2010

"just peekin" in your 'back door!"

LET THE MORNING BRING ME WORD OF YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, FOR I HAVE PUT MY TRUST IN YOU, O LORD. {Psalm 143:8} Good Sunday Morning Ladies~ just peaking in your back door this morning to say that I have prayed for you this morning~ and to wish you a Beautiful Lord's Day~ of Worship and Praise!
My prayer for you today was one of simplicity~ and that may the Love, Hope, and Security of Our Lord Jesus Abound in your Life today! It was one of Protection over your Families and mine as well! Oh! may the Lord Jesus keep us from the "evil one"! But all in all my Heart is full of thankfulness for the "Amazing Grace" that the Lord has richly Blessed us with. So for today join your Hearts with mine~ and simply "Keep your Hearts and Minds fully fixed on Him"!

*The Lord Bless you and Keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you Peace. {Numbers 6:24-26}

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a sweet and loving
    prayer for all of us. I receive it
    in His holy name and pray you receive
    what you have prayed for us as well.
