Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fresh Baked Bread

I just finished watching a Beth Moore segment this morning and she spoke on "The Bread of Life",
WOW! she is so gifted! she can take any portion of God's word and just make it so come alive!!.
But this morning as she spoke, my mind was just visualizing a fresh loaf of bread setting on the counter! Ever so often I will purchase one of those frozen loafs of bread that you set out and let rise! (and if it does what it is supposed to do it is delicious!), I just love it warm with alot of butter!! (not good if you are watching carbs!!),and the fresh loaf of bread that you buy, that is the best PB&J sandwhich you can eat! OK will bring you to the Focal Point of thought: It is Jesus that is our "Bread of Life". In his word he says that we will never be hungry if we eat of his Bread Daily! Like the water, He says drink of me and you will never thirst!! How awesome are these promises!!
So for today just enjoy the "Fresh Loaf of Bread" that He sets before You!( All Warm and Buttery!!!).

Matthew 25:30
"Always keep fresh BREAD of the PRESENCE on the TABLE before me". (The Message)

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