Friday, November 25, 2011

just~ talking!!:)

Good Evening! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving~ now the pumpkins and the fall stuff is packed away and I have put up the Santa's and Snowmen!! it's moving fast! I did not go shopping today ~stayed home and cleaned, washed, mopped floors, and put away summer clothes and drug out the winter things! needless to say I am very tired, have worked for 3 days straight, preparing for the Holiday~ cooking and cleaning. But the Blessings of being able to do all of that is happy:) tired!  anyway just wanted to touch base with you and say HI! and a early Merry Christmas greeting! I'm not sure if I have mentioned the final report on my DIL~ got it on Wednesday, she did have a tonsilectomy a week ago~ but NO CANCER!! We have been so happy to report this good news! and a very special "Thank You" for your prayers! God is so Good!  But anyway will close for now~ I'm getting in my chair for some TV, and off to bed soon! Have a great wk~end:)..and~ TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!

*I GIVE THANKS TO MY GOD FOR EVERY REMEMBRANCE OF YOU.                               Phillippians 1:3.


  1. Just listening to all that you've been doing makes me feel tired. But hopefully a good tired and now you can see the fruits of your labor.

    I too removed our fall decorations and did some cleaning. Things look so bare. But the Christmas decoration are going up today, so we can enjoy them for a long time to come.

    Have a blessed and hopefully relaxing weekend. Susan

  2. Hi there dear friend, Loved hearing about your busy days; I got all of our autumn things put away and all of Christmas decorations up-wow that was alot of work but hubby helped too.
    You deserve to go sit a spell and watch some t.v. I'm so thankful to hear the news of your dil; praise His Holy Name.
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. Praise God! So happy to hear the good report on you dil. Hoping you have a blessed week.

  4. Hi again, I was just thinking about you and the health issues you've had this year-I found out that my dear sil has diabetes and is having eye issues-double vision etc. It was difficult when she was here because her eye would get fatigued-but I am praying for her to be healed in Jesus name. Hope you are having a wonderful afternoon.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. Hey Sweet Friend,
    I cann't believe that I was away from Blogland for over a month. So glad to be back and to visit dear Bloggie Friends!
    Sounds like your Thanksgiving was a blessing. We were invited to spend the day with new friends from church...the first holidays in our new community. The kids and grands could not join us but our son will come south for Christmas. Yippee!
    Praising GOD with you for your DIL's great news!
    ((HUGS)) from Georgia~

  6. I know what you mean about "happy tired"....I have to admit I have not been as smart as you as I have not gotten my Christmas decorations out but I will do that this week.....

    So thankful they found no cancer....God's blessings abound....

    Have a great week...
