Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bitter / Sweet?......

Happy:)! Cold! one heck of a Brrrrrrrrrrr! Morning! hope you are all warm and toasty! I have two pairs of socks on! so that should tell you that I am cold, due to electricity has been off for a while! Company said that wehave to share electricity so periodically, will go off! today! "Not  a complaint tho because there has been alot of people with none for days!  I will pause now to say Thank You Lord for my electricity! {Warm and Cool!}. OK~ lets talk about Flavors! what do you prefer?...just a quick example yesterday I grabbed-oneof those little packets of instant oatmeal, I happen to love the maple and brown sugar one, prepared hot water, put a little butter and milk in it, and I had a warm bowl of oatmeal~ love it! but throughout this bowl was a "salty taste" where it did not dissolve good! I had that salty taste for a good while after I had finished it! This taste brought the scripture to my heart of where He tells us that we are to be salt of the earth? Hmmmmmmm! I thought to myself....why did he say this?..... The message put it this way...Matthew 5:13~ Let  me tell you why you are here. You are here tobe salt seasoning that brings out the God Flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste Godliness?.... and the NKJV~put it this way.. salt is good but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves and have peace with one another. {Mark 9:50}
So Today~ make sure you use "Your Seasoning" in the ingredients that balances out the Flavor of our Souls!
Psalm 119:103{NKJV}.


  1. Great message today Kay!! I love those Scriptures and Pray I am a "doer" and share HIS ways with those around me :)

    Stay warm my friend!! Praying your electricity is fixed quickly!! I will share about the corn bags tomorrow ok :) Today I put up pics of this crazy winter storm that brought us more than 21 inches of snow! Shut our whole town and state down LOL

  2. Definitely hope you are staying warm! Will keep you in my prayers. This weather is crazy!
    Maple and brown sugar is the best to me!
    Thank you for your post! May we have God's Flavor in all we do!
